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Podcast 27: Dr. Chris Stackpole, Vicepresidente de atención a atletas de los New Jersey Devils.

Julio Ceniza Villacastín


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Podcast 27: Dr. Chris Stackpole, Vicepresidente de atención a atletas de los New Jersey Devils.
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En el siguiente episodio de “Thermography: Science, Health and Sport” (en inglés) os presentamos a Chris Stackpoledesde New Jersey Devils, equipo profesional de Hockey Hielo.

En este episodio, nos centramos en el Hockey Hielo, y hablamos sobre la relevancia de la termografía en la detección de lesiones en jugadores veteranos, destacando un caso donde la retroalimentación sobre asimetrías físicas ayudó a alinear la percepción del jugador con la realidad. Chris Stackpole, Doctorado en Fisioterapia y Licenciatura en Ciencias en Entrenamiento Atlético de la Universidad de Boston, es un especialista en deportes certificado, destacándose en la NBA y la NHL durante la última década, y actualmente trabaja en los News Jersey Devils.

A pesar de algunas falsas alarmas, la naturaleza rápida y eficiente de la tecnología la considera positiva.
Puedes escuchar el próximo episodio haciendo clic en el enlace de la biografía. Te mostramos una pequeña parte del podcast en este extracto:


Ismael Fernández (Host): «So, the first question always focuses on understanding how you first met thermography. What was your first experience with this technology?»

Chris Stackpole: «So, this was our first year of actually being able to implement some of the technology, exposing our players to it. It's been amazing to see what the technology can do and how we can objectify what the players are feeling. In the past, it's been, you know, 'I hurt here, I have pain here,' and you're taking the player at face value for what they're saying. Now we can use technology to show them when they have an ache and pain in a certain area, what the rest of the body is doing, and how the body is compensating. We've been able to guide many of our strategies and, at the very least, educate our players on the consequences of what their bodies can do to adapt and compensate. It's been as good as I was expecting—being able to use the technology now and see what the software can deliver, and it's been super simple. It's been everything I was hoping for.”