
New JCR paper "Applications of Infrared Thermography in Sports. A Review"



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New JCR paper "Applications of Infrared Thermography in Sports. A Review"
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It has been recently published in the Journal of International of Medicine and Science of Physical Activity and Sports (current Impact JCR = 0.146) the work titled “Applications of Infrared Thermography in Sports. A review”, The paper leaded by Prof. João Carlos Bouzas Marins, responsible of the Performance Lab (LAPEH) from Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV) is the result of the Brazil-Spain cooperation between the research group TermoINEF of Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) and LAPEH-UFV. The aim of the review submitted during 2013 was to show some examples of how infrared thermography could be useful in the following areas:

  • Sports Medicine
  • Sports Physiotherapy
  • Sports Performance
  • Research
  • Sport Management

ThermoHuman responsibility is to enhance the knowledge of the applicability of infrared thermography in different fields. The objective is to promote the increasing interest in this topic via collaborations with not only with academic institutions but with everyone related with thermal imaging. You can get the paper in Research Gate here, or direct link in both Spanish Marins (2015) Aplicaciones de la termografia infrarroja en el deporte. Una revision or English Marins (2015) Applications of infrared thermography in sports. A review