
Thermography: Is it valuable to measure acute thermal responses in Soccer players?

Adrian Castillo García


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Thermography: Is it valuable to measure acute thermal responses in Soccer players?
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Infrared Thermography in soccer has been demonstrated as an useful tool in for preventing injuries during both pre-season (Gómez-Carmona et al 2020) and in-season (Menezes et al 2018 & Corte et al 2019).
It has been also widely studied in soccer for defining the thermal profile of soccer players (Bouzas et al 2014) and even after matches for analyzing the thermal responses 24h & 48h post-match (Fernandes et al 2017). However, there was no information in regards with how infrared thermography could be helpful in being used immediately after post activity (with no time between the stimuli and the thermogram acquisition).
In the doctoral dissertation of Arnaiz-Lastras (2017), the author studied how skin temperature measurements of soccer players immediately after cryotherapy (recovery), HIIT (training) and match (competition) could be affected by those stimuli.
During the next series of infographics we will be showing you each one the studies one by one with the findings of the author.
Is thermography helpful in measuring HIIT activities?
Can I extract valuable information immediately after cryotherapy?
Is thermography useful when evaluating post-match responses right after the athlete comes back to the lockers?

