Successful cases

ThermoHuman and ACB'S Playoffs

Victor Escamilla


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Successful cases
ThermoHuman and ACB'S Playoffs
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ThermoHuman will be present at the playoffs of the Endesa League at the service of the 12 teams that will compete in the Final Four, which will take place in Valencia until June 30, 2020.

Along with other cutting-edge services and technologies, ThermoHuman has installed a unit to offer an "Official Thermography Service" to all teams. This technology allows a quick and non-invasive evaluation of the players' skin temperature, information that allows determining possible risks of injury.

The unit, which will include a doctor in sports sciences and a physiotherapist (both experts in thermography), is equipped with a state-of-the-art thermographic camera and software developed by ThermoHuman, capable of automatically identifying thermal asymmetries using artificial intelligence to assess the players during this final phase of the competition.

"Our technology can help control the internal load of the players and therefore reduce the risk of injury, something essential after a break like the one that has taken place," explains Pedro Gómez Carmona, one of the founders of Thermohuman.

For his part, Alejandro del Estal, a CAFyD graduate and Thermohuman physiotherapist, stressed that "we have technology capable of quickly assessing an entire team before a training session or match, being able to identify alarms precisely so that they are taken into account by the team's technical and medical staff".


Image. Setting Thermohuman.

Promotional video of the advanced medical center installed for the final phase of the ACB League