
Thermography Training: Online Certified Course (English edition)

Alejandro del Estal


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Thermography Training: Online Certified Course (English edition)
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If you are thinking about participating in a Thermography training, here you have the information to do it. ThermoHuman renew its Online Certified English Course, and now you can access from here:

Since 2021, we organize an English edition of the course, so that people from all over the world can join us to learn about this fascinating technology.

The 2021 English edition of the course was the first time we did this streaming-format certified training in English (live from anywhere in the world). It was a success, because many colleagues from Greece, Canada, USA, UK, Belgium, Portugal, Brazil, Germany, Holland, Colombia and Spain joined us… what a big team!

If you are a professional in the field of health and sports, this event is directed and designed for you. If you are a physician, physiotherapist, athletic trainer, rehab trainer, osteopath, chiropractor, podiatrist or nutritionist, you are interested in this training.

This year, we will offer the most up-to-date theoretical and practical content on the application of infrared thermography for diagnosis support and injury prevention and follow-up, both in the field of health and sports.

Here you can see all the contents:


Image 1. Syllabus of the II ThermoHuman Online Certified English Course (2022)

The training is divided into three blocks:

  1. Theory: we start the training with the basics of thermography: methodology, thermoregulation, influence factors, etc.
  2. Practice: we show how to take thermal images, analyze and interpret them. This includes everything you need to know about all the new features that we have been adding to our ThermoHuman software this last year, including the new medical certification and the new validation studies.
  3. Application: the most relevant clinical cases based on the scientific evidence and our practical experience, from health, sports and research fields.

Our goal is that at the end of the training, in addition to obtaining our Thermography Expert Certificate, each student can be autonomous and begin to use Infrared Thermography in humans in a professional, responsible manner.

Thermography online training

It is available online

How to enroll

You have two options:

1️⃣ Enroll in this button and enjoy in the education platform ?


2️⃣ Or make a bank transfer and we enroll in the education platform

Bank transfer to PEMA THERMO GROUP S.L. with the concept
"Certified Thermography training"
Bank: BANCO SABADELL / Branch: Calle de Altamirano, 3, 28008 Madrid
Account number (IBAN): ES14 0081 0119 7500 0122 9632
Swift Code: BSAB ESBB

If you have any questions or would like to make a comment, do not hesitate to write to us. We will be glad to read you.